Introducing HRIC Executive Search: A Journey of People, Purpose, and Persistence.

Greetings, fellow readers! I’m absolutely thrilled to have you here for my very first blog post. This is the moment where I get to open up and share the incredible journey that led to the relaunch of my own firm: HRIC Executive Search. HRIC Executive Search.  

This tale is about the realization of dreams: I’m convinced that few things in life compare to the incredible feeling of becoming the person you’ve always aspired to be, feeling at peace to start all over again, the feeling of finally jumping free fall to that idea, and taking that leap of faith towards the very decision your intuition urges you towards, following your gut, even when others doubt you and especially when you’ve put in all of the hard work, and the results are completely genuine!

This is when you find your calling in life. We can’t fake authenticity, and this project is crafted with heart and a desire to make a difference and, hopefully, inspire others to do it!

I’m Adriana Robles, and my journey starts in México. Born and raised in Guadalajara, Jalisco—the very heart where Tequila and Mariachi came to life. But my true home lies in the small town I call home: Mezquitic, where the majority of the community are Wixárikas, one of a one-of-a-kind culture. From an early age, I was exposed to diverse languages, dialects, and rich traditions. I learned the value of community life and, unmistakably, understood the challenges that women face in a patriarchal setup. Yet, I was lucky enough to go to University, earning a Bachelor’s in Industrial Relations. My foundation in Human Resources was laid, with a keen early interest in talent acquisition.

In 2002, I made the move to Vancouver, BC – Canada. Experiencing the journey of becoming an immigrant, I must admit I arrived with big dreams! However, I soon realized that building a career from scratch was the path I needed to take. What truly caught my attention was the incredibly diverse and inspiring culture that I encountered for the very first time. Today, I stand as a proud Canadian, cherishing every part of my journey.

HRIC graphic says, "HRIC Executive Search is a proud Canadian Executive Firm. Empowering equality, unleashing exceptional talent.

Life took another turn when I became a Mom. The thought of being away from my little ones was simply unthinkable, especially with no family in Canada. So the idea of founding HRIC Executive Search took root, a venture that allowed me to do what I love while seeing my kids grow, so in 2009, HRIC Executive Search was born as a testament of determination.

The years rolled by, and in 2012, we returned to my beautiful México, setting up offices to serve the LATAM region remotely. Around 2013, I engaged with the nonprofit sector, and the experience of serving mission-driven organizations globally became my purpose and inspiration in life. It’s in these spaces that I’ve witnessed the extraordinary social impact of organizations that assist the challenges we face in the world.

As a Latina-led executive search firm, I embrace diverse cultures and languages and believe that talent has no gender identity.

HRIC Executive Search is inspired by equality and talent, as I firmly believe that each organization’s leadership should be as diverse as the communities they serve.

Dreams DO come true!  That’s why I invite you to join me on this journey as we step into the next chapter of HRIC Executive Search. Together, we’ll shape this chapter through interactions and conversations because each encounter is unique!

Before I wrap up, I want to extend my deepest gratitude to each and every one of you who has been a part of this incredible journey. Stay tuned for more, and please follow us HRIC Executive Search

Thank you for reading me! – Check out our blog section on our website @ HRIC Executive Search.


Adriana Robles

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